Monday, March 29, 2010

Life Moving On

Hey Becky-

Was great talking to you tonight :) After this weekend, I feel like life moves really fast for some people. Take my grad school friend as an example. In 3.5 years, she met her husband, got engaged/married, moved to Canada, and is about to have a baby. I know her life is an odd benchmark, but it's really starting to feel like a long time since we've lived in the same city- we both still watch Lost (for 7 more weeks) and I think we both still nosh at night. Food, even then, was such a huge part of our friendship... the more I think about it, food was our excuse to get together- hardly ever a meeting without a pan of brownies, a pint of ice cream, or a brunch. There was good conversation and the occasional study session, of course- but always with an accompaniment. I haven't changed much- am still attached to popcorn- total comfort food, reminds me of Sunday nights at my grandmother's house when we used to replace dinner with home-made popcorn and a movie. Just had a bowl tonight- like a replacement friend, in a way. What are you up to?


Kyle said...

Hi Anna, Just read your latest in AC. I suggest you get Rose's book The Bread Bible and subscribe to her blog here

She explains all issues exhaustively and has many talented bakers on her blog site. I have learned to turn out a decent French loaf and many other breads in my home oven. Have you ever used wet yeast? The taste cannot be duplicated.

The Salted Lemon said...

Rose's blog is amazing, thanks for sharing! Honestly, it's a bit embarrassing to be so deficient in bread baking. Will try the wet yeast next. Keep an eye on The Salted Lemon for the result- good, bad, or (most likely) ugly.

Creative Commons License
The Salted Lemon by Anna Fishman and Becky Ong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.