Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On a Dare

Hi Anna,

Your last comment on cheese being made in an animal bladder got me thinking: who was the poor forgotten soul way back when who TRIED [insert odd food here - cheese, beer, etc] for the first time? Think about it - we don't go around scraping our fingernails into crud in the corners of our tupperware, do we?

For some reason, I imagine cavemen fraternity boys were the first, some band of roving testosterone with a penchant for groupthink. There is some mushy white stuff oozing out of one of the packs. One of them pokes it with a grubby finger. "EAT IT, Og!" another hoots, and a chorus rises up (OG! OG! OG!) and echoes over the rocks. Undaunted and spurred on by the dare of his band, Og picks up the mush and gives it a sniff before scooping it into his mouth.

*voila!* We have cheese.

BTW: I've been reading a lot of Far Side comics over summer break.


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The Salted Lemon by Anna Fishman and Becky Ong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.