Monday, October 5, 2009

RIP, Yuca, and Becky's First Post

Hi Anna,

I always hoped that my first post on the blog would be a thoughtful and well-written piece that would herald my entry into the food-writing world. Alas, you'll be getting a slapdash post that was cobbled together in between my studying for 2 horrifying midterms this week. Oh well.

This is probably bordering on food-blasphemy, but I've never actually read Gourmet magazine, though I know how much it means to you. Our house subscribes to Cooks Illustrated, Cooks Country (by accident) and Food and Wine. We own one issue of Gourmet that highlights Latino cooking from 2007, but we haven't read it (...yet. It's on the list.)

On my chili...for the life of me, I can't remember the story about the knife. I recall that I fed myself on chili for a good part of our sophomore year and that I paid an outlandish price for the knife (a cleaver, really) at Wegman's.

I haven't really been up to any food adventures lately, mostly because grad school and my internship are sucking out any culinary creativity I might have had. My food world has consisted of oatmeal, Starbucks, and Trader Joe's frozen entrees lately. On the other hand, The Boy has been having fun with The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart; he made pizza dough from scratch last weekend, and it turned out awesome.

Well, this social policy and human behavior material isn't going to study itself. Talk to you later.


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Creative Commons License
The Salted Lemon by Anna Fishman and Becky Ong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.